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OBV Blog is the blog of Operation Black Vote. The goal of the blog is to stimulate debate about the issues that matter to Black communities.

We encourage contributions from all races, faiths and from across the political spectrum, and would like to see contributions about British politics, current and social affairs.

The tone of the blog is about progressive policies and ideas.

OBV is a non-party political campaign.

The term ‘Black’ is a political term. It refers to African, Asian, Caribbean and other ethnic minorities.

All articles and contributions represent the authors’ views and do not represent OBV views or policies. We accept no responsibility for the content of material, including without limitation any error, omission, or inaccuracy.

4 Responses

  1. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I noticed you added my name to your blogroll. Thank you for that. I also blog at the Spittoon (www.spittoon.org), where I and my fellow bloggers, most of whom are asian, tackle issues related to ethnic minorities. We are an essentially anti-fascisit, and anti-extremism. We promote free speech, and religious freedoms. Please see our about page for more information: http://www.spittoon.org/about

    It would be great if The Spittoon can be included in your blogroll. Hope this is possible. Thank you.

  2. Hi Houriya,

    Consider it done.


  3. Hi, does OBV have an email address that I can use to contact about questions?

    Editor: Yes, lester@obv.org.uk

  4. A great initiative. Please keep me informed.

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